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Latin-Greek Cross-Reference Lexicon/Dictionary Contributions Page

Experience the wonder of words by contributing definitions to the unfinished word units of the Latin-Greek Cross References so you, and everyone, can gain access to thousands of English words derived from thousands of Latin and Greek sources.

Scribe doing research. The Latin-Greek Cross References search area contains thousands of words for this modern age (many with definitions and some with images) and they come from many sources; including, several medical, psychiatric, law, abridged and unabridged dictionaries; and even those dictionaries that emphasize scientific nomenclatures and definitions.

Specialized word books and etymological dictionaries also contribute to the thematic, or core, units of the Latin-Greek Cross References for the benefit of those who are looking for information about words in this vast resource of English-derived words.

This unabridged word searches of English-derived words from Latin-Greek sources search area is available FREE to users. You can help everyone gain greater knowledge about English words by contributing to the the many unfinished areas of this dictionary with definitions (and new words). If you have access to dictionaries, then you could be an important contributor to this vast area of incomplete word units. Some of the best dictionaries can be accessed on the Internet.

The Latin-Greek Cross References search area not only includes thousands of words with definitions and many self-scoring quizzes that are not available in other internet sites, but there is still much to be done that is overwhelming for just one person to finish.

If you can help in this project, then contact me at and I will provide you with information about the areas that need attention.

Your Senior Scribe, John Robertson