A list of resources is provided so you can easily find all of the pages that relate to word activities, word lists and definitions, Latin-Greek references, and access to search information for the Latin-Greek cross-reference dictionary.
From here you may connect to a FREE Latin-Greek Cross-Reference Search source of Latin-Greek-English elements.
Word searches include lists of manias, phobias, phile lists (love, fondness), medical terms, therapies, vorous and phagy lists (eating), theo (God-god words), metrology, sauro (lizards, dinosaurs), chemical elements, cryo words (freezing), feeling units (aesthesia [esthesia], patho, sensi), related vocabulary lists with definitions, prefixes, suffixes, roots, focusing on vocabulary origins (etymologies), scientific terminology (medical, natural sciences, etc.), mythology, self-scoring quizzes, related quotations, dictionary (lexicon) searches, and a multitude of other English words and lists derived from Latin and Greek elements that are useful for long-distance learning and for all logophiles, or logophiliacs, who have that special fondness for words and their origins.
The history of anesthesia and the way people once strived to subdue pain.
There are several self-scoring vocabulary quizzes which can be accessed by going to this quiz page.
A List of Redundancies
Reach out and touch other valuable sites!
Words for a Modern Age, A Cross Reference of Latin and Greek Combining Elements (English to Latin-Greek elements or Latin-Greek elements to English)
Examine the links to words with images, explanations, and quizzes for a greater comprehension of English words that are derived from Latin, Greek, and a few other sources.
Experience the wonder of words as they are presented via an illustrated approach to a bigger and better vocabulary.
Lists of Latin-Greek mottoes, proverbs, phrases, and specialized words are now available by going to this special Latin-Greek mottoes page. The contents of this search area include many of the common Latin and Greek words, phrases, proverbs, and mottoes; as well as, many not-so-common legal, medical, and historical terms and mottoes.