Iktho-Story Quiz #2

Choose the answer button in each numerical group that correctly matches the bold word indicated for the number. Choose just one answer for each presentation. When you have completed all of the choices, click on the “Calculate your score” button at the bottom of the quiz and you will receive the results of your efforts. If you choose any incorrect answers, you will be told which questions have the wrong responses (including those that were left unanswered, if any).

  1. The element fauna means:
    (a) plant (b) disease (c) botany (d) animal (e) flowers

  2. The element chrono means
    (a) far (b) time (c) distant (d) color (e) circle

  3. The element ego means
    (a) believe (b) stubborn (c) I, me (d) bragging (e) a name

  4. The element circum means to go
    (a) around (b) over (c) under (d) back (e) walking

  5. The element retrogress refers to
    (a) go forward (b) walk up (c) walk around (d) walk back (e) walk forward

  6. When there is symbiosis, we have
    (a) two of a kind (b) living together (c) working together (d) simplicity (e) large animals

  7. The element barbara means
    (a) good (b) evil (c) name (d) strange (e) bad

  8. The use of pod as in “My pod hurts” refers to
    (a) a leg (b) an arm (c) a foot (d) an eye (e) a finger

  9. Words that contain halo refer to
    (a) high (b) salt (c) water (d) whole (e) ring

  10. The element helio means
    (a) hot (b) star (c) sun (d) a gas (e) earth

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