A variety of Latin Greek quizzes

Various short quizzes based on Latin and Greek elements

Links to Short Latin-Greek Quizzes

Diagnostic quiz #1 with multiple answers Diagnostic quiz #2
Diagnostic quiz #3 Diagnostic quiz #4
Diagnostic quiz #5

antonym-synonym quiz#1 antonym-synonym quiz#2
antonym-synonym quiz#3

Image-Word button link

The preceding Image-Word Quizzes bar link will provide another kind of quiz format that includes an assortment of images and words. Use this link so you can see all of the various Vocabulary Quizzes.

The calculations (scoring) for these quizzes are free. No subscription is necessary.

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Latin-Greek-English Vocabulary Quizzes!

E-mail Form for comments or questions.

Many of the quizzes for this page are still incomplete and new ones are being added as often as time permits.

If you experience any problems, let me know and I will make corrections as quickly as possible.

The references and word groups in these quizzes contain English words that are derived from Latin and Greek elements that exist in the Latin-Greek Cross References pages.

Flying Scarab Link This ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, a flying scarab, will present a form so you can send comments or you may use quiz@wordexplorations.info if you prefer.

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