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Oxymora, Group N
- nameless celebrity
- nasty politeness
- national medicare program
- natural artifact
- natural makeup
- natural synthetic
- near miss
- nearly complete
- neat office
- negative gain
- negative growth
- negative momentum
- Neolithic (New Stone Age) period
- never again
- never generalize
- new and improved
- new antique
- new classic
- new cliche
- New Mexico
- new routine
- new tradition
- new used cars
- New York culture
- nice and sleazy
- noble savage
- noiseless sound
- noisy mime
- non-alcoholic beer
- non-alcoholic wine
- non-dairy creamer
- non-denominational church
- non-fat cream
- non-fat ice cream
- non-intervention intervention (Expressed on CNBC by Nick Hastings regarding the
European Central Bank’s purchase of over two billion dollars of Euros; September
15, 2000).
- non-profit organizations
- non-stick glue
- non-stick gum
- non-stick velcro
- non-stop flight
- non-working mother
- normal deviation
- normal espionage
- normal human
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