Find the word or words that you want to see on this site or on the Internet.
Oxymora, Group S
sadly amused
sad clown
sad optimist
safe and sane fireworks
safe guns
safe investment
safe weapons
safe sex
safety hazard
same difference
sanitary landfill
sanitary napkin
sanitary sewer
scalding coolness -Ernest Hemingway
scheduled spontaneity
school system
school vacation
science fiction
scientific creationism
scripted spontaneity (a reference by a National Public Radio reporter to the 1996
Republican Convention)
sea farming
second best
secretarial science
secret FBI files
secret rumor
security, on-line security
sedate sex
Senate Ethics Committee
Senate Intelligence Committee
serious clown
serious fun
serious humor
shared monopoly
short distance
short survey
short-tall tales
shout in a whisper
shyly pompous
sight unseen
silent alarm
silent applause
silent barber
silent cacophony
silent scream
silent sound
silent testimony
simple computers
simple procedure
simple technology
simply superb
sincere lie
sincere phoney (Used in the title of a book by James H. Boren: How To Be a Sincere
Phoney—A handbook for politicians and bureaucrats) []
single pair
single thought
singular relationship
slight exaggeration
slight hernia
slightly pregnant
slightly-used-dental floss
slight surprise
slow children (as seen on a street sign)
slow-motion explosion
slow speed
small crowd
small fortune
smaller half
smart bomb
smart drugs
smokeless cigarette
snow-white tan (from David Bowie's “Ziggy Stardust”)
soaring down
social science
social security
socialist worker
soft rock
soft porn (pornography)
solid rumor
somewhat awesome
somewhat destroyed
somewhat functional
somewhat legal
sophisticated New Yorker
sophomore (composed of “wise” and “fool”)
sound-filled silence
sound of silence
spam, targeted
speed bump
speed limit
splendidly dull
sports sedan
stable economic policies
standard deviation
standard options
stand down
stealth bomber
straight angle
straight-forward subterfuge
straight hook(s)
strangely familiar
strategic withdrawal
student athlete “Until colleges are tested for the education they are providing
their athletes, the term ‘student-athlete’ will remain the most tragic
oxymoron in the American vocabulary.” Murray Sperber, a University of Indiana
professor and author of College Sports, Inc.