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Oxymora, Group U-Z
- unacceptable solution
- UN designated safe haven
- unbiased opinion
- unbiased journalism
- unbiased news report
- unbiased predisposition
- uncommonly common
- uncommonly normal
- uncontested divorce
- uncrowned king
- understanding editors
- understanding unix (computer)
- union workers
- United Methodists
- United Nations
- United Nations Bosnian Safe Area
- United States
- university funding
- uninvited guest
- unknown identity
- unrepeatable pleonasm
- unsalted saltines
- unspoken suggestion
- unsung hero
- unthaw
- unusual routine
- unwelcome recess
- user friendly
- vaguely aware
- veiled accusation
- vigorously ignoring (the Republican Convention because I’m on vacation.),
attributed to President Bill Clinton
- violent agreement
- virgin wool
- virtual reality
- vices of our virtues (a title of an article, “The Vices of our Virtues”
by Robert J. Samuelson in The Washington Post, early 1996)
- voluntary taxes
- voodoo science
- voting power
- waiting patiently
- waning crescent
- war games
- war, a just (a just war)
- waste management
- wealthy professor
- weather forecaster
- wedded bliss
- well-preserved ruins
- white chocolate
- white gold
- white negro
- white rose
- whole half
- whole hemisphere
- whole part
- wireless cable
- wise fool (sophomore)
- withheld contribution
- wisdom of Congress
- wordless book
- work party
- working breakfast
- working hobby
- working lunch
- working vacation
- young Republican
- young sixty
- zero defects
- zero deficit
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C| D | E | F | G | H | I | J-K | L | M | N | O| P | Q-R | S | T | U-Z | Quotations |
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